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Nobody asked for a blend of Alex Jones, Ann Coulter, Jay Dyer, and Phyllis Schlafly, but here I am anyway.

I think feminism ruined everything for everyone. It has destroyed society. I hate it so much I wrote a book about the Luciferian occult roots of feminist ideology. I’ve also spent many years researching the history of the global elite, the occult, and other esoteric subjects. Most of mainstream history is bullshit, or as they say “written by the victor.” Here you will find some of the most bizarre and unbelievable stories I’ve found as well as my take on current events through the lens of a Christian traditionalist, patriarchist, crypto-historian, and conspiracy researcher. I also write about the joys of traditional motherhood and how to be a wife and mother in a culture which hates and mocks traditional women. I’m a weird mix of things, but you’ll never be bored! Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update.

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Patriarchal Apologetics and Crypto-History.


☦️ Stay-At-Home-Mom Supremacist, Mother of 5, Patriarchist. Crypto Historian. Author of Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation OUT NOW